Video-practice 2

And this is the second video. 
We'll be all checking your reflections. 



    This video is too sad , he had depression and he wasn´t
    prepared enough , because he was too alone .

    We must react, we do not know who may be going
    through this, it is too bad and harmful , we are strong
    enough to overcome any problem .

    Don´t lose your life because of a fall.

  2. This video is about a guy who lives in a society full of people who overuse technology, making him feel alone.
    Every day he had the same routine, he also suffered depression and that is why he decided to end with his life. He was too sad, but he was brave enough to suicide.
    At that moment a friend of his came to his house, and he was able to reconsider and realize that he shouldn't commit suicide
    I think that in the world there are many people who have tried to commit suicide and we aren't conscious enough to realize that.

  3. I thing that there are too many cellphone and the is not comunication enough there are too much tecnology and there are not hugs enough.

  4. This video make us reflect about the time that we spend on the phone and how it consumes us, like in this video, the guy felt like nobody was paying attention to him, because his friends spent their time on the phone , so he decided to got away to his phone and act like if nothing was happening, but he cant do it, so he decided to commit suicide, but afortunately his friend didnt let him did that action.
    The reflexion is too clear,is that sometimes we spent too time on the phone and we didnt pay attention to other people that need our help, so now we have to spend enough time on the phone and on other device.
    This video gave me an especial reflexion, and an enough help to other people.

  5. The man was too sad because he knows that the people needs the celphone to live. This intelligent invent breaks the comunication and the attention that the people have to the others.
    The man try to have a normal and cotidian day but each day isn't easy enough to him. For that reason he also suffered depression.
    There's a part in where the man try to finish with his live but his friend (Andres) stop him on time.
    It is based in a lot of real situations in where a person feels alone and try to finish with his life, all of this is caused by the technology, by dont know to use it the careful enough, by do that those things be more important that our friends or family... its for that reason that the video wants to show us that we mustn't disconnected of the people that we love.

  6. Good night teacher

    It is important to put too much care to people when they manifest themselves feeling alone, of course we are in a medium where everyone is encapsulated in their virtual world, so you have to have the kindness enough to help when needed.

  7. The second vidoe, talk about for a person that is too alone, is this men have a routine that is normaly enought, but the true of his life is too diferent, because he say that all in his live is good and in a one part is good enought, but anyone says that he was going throught a crisis and this is too dangerous for him life.In this or in the finally of the video a friend of he, he realizes that he does not good enought, because he wanted to kill himselft.

  8. the video is a kind of self-criticism of how humanity has evolved but that evolution harms us because we become addicted to technology, which can be seen in the protagonist, a 26-year-old boy who feels bad because all his friends and acquaintances are always addicted to technology which makes him take the decision to commit suicide but an acquaintance helps him not to take that path and saves him

  9. He feels too sad,dreppession and alone,because his friends only are in the cellephone and he thinks in commit suicide, but his friend Andres arrives in the perfect moment and prevents he do this madness.


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